#javascript original array vs returning new array

2 min readMar 5, 2024


Original array vs Returning new array

JavaScript, there’s a difference between creating a copy of an array and returning a new array. Let’s break down each concept:

Copy of the Original Array:

  • When you create a copy of the original array, you are essentially duplicating the array’s contents into a new array.
  • Any changes made to the copied array won’t affect the original array, and vice versa.
  • However, if the elements within the array are objects or arrays themselves (i.e., nested arrays or objects), a shallow copy will still reference the same objects. Therefore, changes made to these nested objects will reflect in both the original and copied arrays if they share the same reference.

Example of creating a copy of the original array:

javascriptCopy code

  • const originalArray = [1, 2, 3];
  • const copiedArray = [...originalArray]; // Using the spread operator to create a shallow copy
  1. Returning a New Array:
  • When you return a new array from a function or method, you are creating a new array based on certain transformations or conditions applied to the original array.
  • The original array remains unchanged.
  • This is commonly used when you want to apply some operations (like mapping, filtering, or reducing) to each element of the original array and generate a new array based on the results.
  1. Example of returning a new array:

javascriptCopy code

const originalArray = [1, 2, 3];

const newArray = originalArray.map(item => item * 2); // Returns a new array with each element doubled

In summary, creating a copy of the original array duplicates the entire array, while returning a new array involves transforming or filtering the elements of the original array to produce a different array.



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